Bath and Beauty Products

Eco-Friendly Beauty Products

When you apply a coat of lipstick or lather on some sunscreen, your body absorbs the moisture from the products. Keep your body and the earth clean by using eco-friendly products or products that are marked as organic. Here are a few of my favorite brands, plus a few more with good reviews:


  • Burt’s Bees–  Not only are the majority of their products all natural, but they are committed to the ethical treatment of animals as well as being fair-trade certified. Their beauty line consists of a ton of lip products, makeup removers, as well as a few foundations and creams.
  • Kiss My Face- This line of beauty products is really awesome because the company is dedicated to using recyclable packaging, and it won’t break your budget!
  • Aveda-  The great thing about their products is that all of their packaging is made from recycled material and can be recycled again after you use them. The majority of their products are certified organic. Also, I hear that all their manufacturing runs on wind power, which is totally awesome if it’s true!

Eco-Friendly Bath Products

Bath products can be filled with chemicals that damage and dry out your skin. Switching out your bottled body wash for an all-natural bar of soap reduces trash and chemical waste. Try some healthier options to save your skin and the planet!


Good Soap- Good Soap is a great brand to use and exclusively sold at Whole Foods. Their soaps are made out of shea butter, coconut oil, and goat milk, which are all great for your skin! They usually don’t come with any packaging, so it’s less trash to throw away. Also, Good Soap is fair-trade certified and donates a portion of it’s sales to the Whole Planet Foundation. My favorite scent is lavender!

Try out other package-free soaps and let me know what you think!


Water Efficient Shower Heads- Many people have the horrible habit of wasting water while they shower by letting the water run while they’re not using it. Home Depot and other appliance stores are now selling water efficient shower heads, which can save almost 3,000 gallons of water annually per household. A new shower head technology has recently been released that is motion censored, so it saves even more water, although they are a little pricier. They usually cost between $20-$30, but I’ve found them as cheap as $5! Check out their selection at

Tissue and Toilet Paper– I’ve read a couple different stances on eco-friendly toilet paper. Regular toilet paper is bleached, filled with chemicals, and takes a lot of trees to make. Recycled toilet paper cuts down on resource consumption, but it takes a lot of energy to make it. I personally think it’s worth the extra couple cents. If you want to cut down on tissue waste entirely, try a handkerchief! Here are a few eco-friendly brands:

RazorsThe disposable razors you buy at the drug store can’t be recycled! Try out a safety razor made of steel, which you can find here


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